Monday, September 28, 2009

Hangin' out with Daddy last night

Poor Kail!! We tried for hours to get a cute picture of him hanging in a little sling... needless to say, it was not a success. He was not a happy camper!

Might I add.. it was a long night!

Hunting Adventure Behind the Duncan Home

They didn't have much luck catching any deer... but Kaiden caught a grass hopper!!!

Big Brother - Lil' Brother

Kaiden made the cutest T-shirts! Kail's shirt reads: "BIG BROTHER" with an arrow pointing to Kaiden.. & Kaiden's shirt reads: "LITTLE BROTHER" with an arrow pointing at Kail... I don't know where he comes up with this stuff!

Sleeping Munchkin

This took WAY too long to get Kail to sleep... But isn't he just too cute!

And by the way.. Thank you Mom, for getting us the hat!!!

Snug as a bug!

--- Little Angel ---