Thursday, October 22, 2009


Shawn got the baby to make the cutest smiles today! He was just laughing away in his little swing.

Dinner at Aunt Cyndi's

Everyone had a great time visiting... And dinner was delicious, as usual! I think my favorite photo here is of Uncle Bill trying to figure out his new "touch screen" phone. (Good Luck Uncle Bill!!)

Nanna & Papa

Nanna and Papa drove across the country to meet little Kail. Wish they could have stayed longer... It was a super short trip!

Little Snuggler...

I tool Kail on a walk, but since it's a little cold out, I had to bundle him up. This little outfit is for six month olds, so he looked so small in it. Just had to share this cute little face!

Daddy with the Baby-Bjourn

Shawn is just too funny! He walks around the house with Kail in this little backpack. Kail doesn't cry when you are walking...

Grandma, Kaiden & Baby Kail (3 Days Old)

We had such a great time when Grandma came to visit! I am just now going through all of my pics... Better late than never.. that has always been my motto :)

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Sweet Little Boys!

I think Kaiden looks like such a great BIG brother! He just loves to hold Kail. I ordered this picture to frame above my couch... its huge.. 18x24. I can't wait to hang it up!

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Aunt Jenny's Trip

We were so glad Jenn could come up! I think everyone had a great time. Next time I hope she brings little Morgan!!! I miss her sooooo much!

Kail took his 1st bottle today

We were testing to see if Kail would take a bottle if I was away for a few hours... He had no problem sucking it down! He is such a good eater.. I think he is going to be even more chunky than Kaiden was. That breast milk does wonders!

Daddy had fun feeding him too...