Wednesday, January 27, 2010

What a CHUBBER!!!!

This was taken about a week ago... Kail is even bigger now! What a chubby boy! Look at how big is little hands are. They just crack me up! :)

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Brotherly Love

Love this pic of Kaiden and Kail! Kail really wasn't in the "mood" for pictures, but Kaiden was such a good helper! This wasn't the shot I was hoping for, but I think it still turned out good. Notice the outfit Kail is wearing... He's already outgrown it! What a chunker!!!

Monday, January 4, 2010

Smokey Mountains from 2008

Well.. I know a lot of time has passed since we went on our Fall trip to Tennessee... but I found these pictures the other night and just had to share! What a great time we all had! My favorite pic is with Morgie and Kaiden! I wish they were able to see each other all of the time.. they get along so good!