Thursday, January 20, 2011

Snow Day!!!

"Mom.. How am I supposed to walk what with all of this stuff on?"

He figured it out... Off and running!

Kail's FIRST snow day!

All of our buddies joined in!

Kaiden really wants to have a snow ball fight!!! (NOT WHEN I HAVE MY CAMERA!!)

"Mom.. stop following me, I can handle it!"

Missing Lola, but a nice family shot!

We have had quite a few snow days this year, and Kaiden is just loving it! We got somewhere between 6-9 inches of snow yesterday, on top of what we already had from last weekend. These pictures are from 2 different snow days when we were able to sneak out side after I finished working. We hooked Lola up with a harness and she pulled the kids around on a tube. (Not pictured.. sorry!) They had a blast. We let her go inside and recuperate, and Foxy joined in for some out side fun. She LOVES the attention from all of the kids! I think Kail likes this snow.. I'm just trying to get him to stop eating it after we come inside and take off our boots. He always goes for the "dirty" snow.. YUCK!
(Ohh, and on a second note.. Shawn wrecked the Honda earlier this week due to an icy road and a pick-up truck. He wasn't hurt, but we are not sure if the car is going to make it.. Stay tuned...)

Where do they get their ENERGY!!!

There is no catching Kail... he is like a little cheetah on speed, always on the go. We finally were able to teach him not to touch the TV.. so instead it seems that he has moved on to more exciting things like "running on the couch?!?!" He is too fast to catch, and has fallen off a number of times, just to get right back up and do it again. Kaiden has been a big help in keeping a close eye on his younger brother, and makes sure to tell me every little move this little dude makes. This weekend we are introducing our new "Time Out Mat".. wish us luck....