Friday, April 22, 2011

Happy Easter!

Happy Easter Everyone!
This was a tragic moment... Kail wasn't really feeling the whole duck/picture thing.

This basket worked great, Kail stayed in one place for more than a few shots! He even decided to take on the role of the Easter Bunny and eat his carrot... How cute!
This is his trademark look... Those little eyes!!!

We were bribing Kail with food at this point... It turns out, he will do anything for a bite of granola bar!
LOVE that hair!
Kail had to stop and smell the flowers.

Look, we trained our ducks to smile on cue!

Kail thought he would try to kiss the duck...

Then I guess he got hungry!?!?

Happy Easter! Yes… we have real, live, quacking ducks! I had no luck finding anyone who would rent out their bunny for a photo shoot, so this was plan B. I think it worked out great, though a little hectic at times. These little “quackers” have tripled in size, and I am READY to send them to the farm. The kids have all had a blast holding and chasing (herding) them into designated duck friendly areas. (ie. Away from the street, and most importantly, away from Foxy & Lola – our “duck hungry” doggies)

Enjoy these fun pictures of our family. I had fun taking them!

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