Monday, September 9, 2013

Kail's Superhero 4th Birthday!

It is hard to believe that our little Superhero has turned 4! He is growing up way too fast. Kail invited some friends and family over for some Super Fun Superhero Training. It was a blast! I have never seen so many little guys and gals running around in masks and capes. It was perfect!

I had a lot of help to pull this one off! Grandma flew in from Florida, she hand made each cape... THANK YOU MOM! Also a big thank you to my Aunt C for snapping all of the pics! I know it wasn't an easy task with moving targets.

I can't wait to see what we come up with for next years party...

Super Sandwiches (Uncrustables!!! Always a hit!)

Shape Shifting Power Grapes

Laser Vision Power Carrots

Mind Reading Power Blueberries

Freeze Vision Power Grapes

Flying Power Strawberries (My personal favorite)

Invisibility Power Orange Slices

Super Speed Power Broccoli

Hero H2O and Super Juice to stay hydrated

Incredibly BIG Batman Balloon

Phone Booth for changing into Superheros
Our little Superhero!

Gathering up for the Super Race!

On your mark.... Get set...

Can't have a birthday party without CakePops!!!

Lining up for SillyString fight... Yikes!

Dad was covered!
And so was Kaiden!!!

Lots of COOL Superhero gifts!

And my personal favorite... Great Grandpa's painting. It was perfect!

Thursday, February 28, 2013

Kaiden's 10th Birthday (Almost a year late!)

My little boy will be turning 11 in a few weeks. He is just growing up so fast. Before we celebrate his next birthday, I wanted to share last years. (I don't want to end up 2 years behind!)
This party was one of the most fun parties we have ever had. We held a video game tournament. Kaiden is WAY into Pokemon, and who doesn't like video games!?

We started off with loads of sweets and junk food. All of the things that Kaiden doesn't get to eat in our house --- Root-beer floats with cotton candy ice cream, pizza, a cake made out of Honey Buns, cheese balls and rock candy. (You name it.. we had it...) Needless to say, Kaiden and his guests had a blast!