Monday, April 5, 2010

Happy Easter Everyone!

Well, Easter was great this year! Kaiden and his friends went on an egg hunt.. (Kaiden found the "Golden Egg") so needless to say, he was excited! Kail grumpily celebrated the holiday by wearing his hand knit bunny hat. (This is something I won't be able to get away with next year!) We all went to Aunt Cyndi & Uncle Bill's home for dinner. As you can see, Kaiden spent most of his time playing pool. Daddy spent the majority of the weekend building the gigantic fortress we will soon call our playground. (This thing looked WAY smaller on the box!!!) We had to actually cut down a tree to get it to fit.... Ask Shawn how that went down... literaly.
And I celebrated the holiday by planting my front pots, playing with the boys and supervising the playground project. :)


  1. Fantastic Easter Pic's Looks Like a good time was Had by all!!
    what Beautiful Boys this Grandma has... sending Lot;s of Love and Hugs to all Thank you Catrina for making my heart smile:)

  2. Hello to the Duncan Family,
    It was so wonderful to see you all. So glad you all are so happy. Kaiden sure has grown up lots. It was great to meet Kail, and especially get to hold and feed him a bottle. Thanks for that! Love and blessings to you all until we meet again.

    Jori and Jon Hughes
