Monday, May 10, 2010

Mothers Day (Time with the boys!)

We had a great Mothers Day weekend! We all went to the neighborhood garage sale on Saturday morning... Shawn is not as enthused about the shopping experience as I am.. but he did good!
Later that evening, Shawn prepared a surf-n-turf feast.. It was awesome! He really out did himself this time! Kaiden mostly played on the new playground...
On Sunday we all went to Aunt Cydi's home to celebrate.. where Kail just made himself at home. He was pulling up on everything! It will be a matter of weeks/days before he is walking... So sad they grow up so darn fast! I hope you all enjoy the pics!


  1. Hi Catrina just wanted to say your family picture is so nice you guys look great and your boys are so cute I bet Shawn is such a good daddy I'm so happy for you two,looks like you are doing great ,well I hope to see you some time .Heather

  2. What a Beautiful family!! I am so proud of you 2 can not wait to see my Boys they have grown so much Much Love to all,Mom

  3. I want to chloroform the mother and hump your feet soles till I cum all over them then I will be violently chloroforming your son when the mother wakes up just his socks will be on the floor I will kidnap him and hump his feet soles till I cum
