Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Independence Day!

 Happy July 4th Everyone!
I thought you would enjoy these sweet pictures of the boys. We had a fun time running around to see the flags. Aparently Kail will do anything for a granola bar and lemon-lime Gatoraid! He was even saying "SMILE" to the camera... Things got a little crazy when he explored the idea of pulling out as many flags as he could get his little hands on... Kaiden and I put them back in the right places.  :)

Add Kail and his "Bun-Bun"... He must have snuck him out of the bag. (Kail looks like he is singing!)

So sweet!

Brotherly Love... (I swear I did not ask them to hug.. )

"Hurry! Get him before he pulls another flag!"  

Here is a video of Kaiden singing the Star Spangled Banner. He is such a sweetheart. He had practiced this song over and over again. (Even snuck out of bed one night to check the lyrics to make sure he had them memorized.)

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