Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Happy Birthday Kail!

Our little man has turned 2! I can't believe how he has grown this year. We asked Kail what he wanted for his birthday, and he replied, "Candles!"

Birthday morning! Kail gets a new ride! A "Cozy Truck" with a tailgate, sippy cup holder, horn and all.

Grandma and Pop-Pop sent up a wooden train table! This will be hours of fun!

This picture was taken after Kail blew out the candles on his birthday cake. He grabbed them a stuck them in his mouth before I could stop him.

Here is where he figures out that they are not edible... Yuck... I know he swallowed part of it.

Fun at the kiddie table!

Making Cupcakes!

Making a mess! :)

Cake Pops! (first attempt)

Not very easy to transport in the car! We lost a few.

Uncle Bill and Grandpa taking a quick photo op at the party. By the way, Thank You to my Aunt Cyndi for taking pictures for me! She did a fabulous job.

"Birthday Boy" and Daddy

Jeff, Baby Rowan and Meagan came to celebrate!

Grandpa was ready for pizza!

There was a lot going on... but Kail ate the whole piece!

Hayden enjoying some lemonade.

Say "Cheese!"

Kail is now wearing his pizza.

Silly kiddies! They all had a great time!

Make a wish!

Kail wished for MORE CAKE POPS! jk

... and this was NOT even one of the big ones. Go Hayden, Go!