Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Happy Birthday Kail!

Our little man has turned 2! I can't believe how he has grown this year. We asked Kail what he wanted for his birthday, and he replied, "Candles!"

Birthday morning! Kail gets a new ride! A "Cozy Truck" with a tailgate, sippy cup holder, horn and all.

Grandma and Pop-Pop sent up a wooden train table! This will be hours of fun!

This picture was taken after Kail blew out the candles on his birthday cake. He grabbed them a stuck them in his mouth before I could stop him.

Here is where he figures out that they are not edible... Yuck... I know he swallowed part of it.

Fun at the kiddie table!

Making Cupcakes!

Making a mess! :)

Cake Pops! (first attempt)

Not very easy to transport in the car! We lost a few.

Uncle Bill and Grandpa taking a quick photo op at the party. By the way, Thank You to my Aunt Cyndi for taking pictures for me! She did a fabulous job.

"Birthday Boy" and Daddy

Jeff, Baby Rowan and Meagan came to celebrate!

Grandpa was ready for pizza!

There was a lot going on... but Kail ate the whole piece!

Hayden enjoying some lemonade.

Say "Cheese!"

Kail is now wearing his pizza.

Silly kiddies! They all had a great time!

Make a wish!

Kail wished for MORE CAKE POPS! jk

... and this was NOT even one of the big ones. Go Hayden, Go!   


  1. LOVE the pics Catrina!! And Happy Birthday Kail!! Miss u guys.... <3

  2. happy Birthday Kail!! Looks Like you had a Great time....( Hope daddy told you grammy called you a few times on your birthday sorry I was not able to talk to you) Love and Miss you:)
