Thursday, May 6, 2010

We went to see the CHEETOS!

We had a great time at the Brevard Zoo with Aunt Jenny and Morgan! The kids especially liked the crazy armadillos in the petting zoo... (They kept chasing and liking their toes.. yuck!) Kail just kinda hung out.. he was waiting to see the new CHEETOS exhibit... (We never made it there...the kids decided it was a better idea to go swimming at Grandmas instead)
This is by far one of my favorite zoos! I still look for my brick every time I go.. I found it once...
Kaiden also got to visit with his little sister Elle and cousin Aalivia. And Kail loved his ducky baths from Grandma!

1 comment:

  1. Grandma had more fun giving Kail his bath then Kail did taking it! What a chunky Monkey!!!!
