Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Aunt Jenny's Visit to KC!

Check out this slide show with pics from our fun time with Aunt Jenny and Morgan. We had such a great time! Jenn finally saw a deer! Kaiden and Morgan got to go to the "Bouncy House" twice.. they have soooo much energy! We went swimming and played in the sprinkler. We also took a nice little road trip to Deana Rose Farmstead for Children. We bottle fed baby "GHOSTS".. (goats)... Morgan called them that. Kail got to see chickens! Kaiden caught some BIG fish with a cane pole and an EWWEY-GOOEY worm. We also let the kids make a recipe out of Kaiden's children cook book. I have never seen a bigger mess! I hope they can come back to visit soon!

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