Tuesday, November 1, 2011


This was our costume inspiration!!!

We had a fun Halloween this year. I had two little boys that just couldn't make up their mind on what costume they wanted to wear... Kaiden started as a warewolf... then he switched to a scary ghost. Kail decided that he was not going to wear a costume... or a jacket.. or a hat.. or shoes... I went ahead and made him a "spooky ghost" so he could dress like his big brother. It worked, and we made it out the door all dressed up!

We made it a lot further this year with trick-or-treating, considering we only made it to 3 or 4 door steps last year. The wagon was a hit with Kail. He got to "pick" the homes he would go up to. Most of the time he sat in the wagon and played with his glow sticks. (He is calling them his "arrows"??!!) Maybe next year we can dress him like Robbin Hood. ;)

Kaiden and Shawn split from the main group and went on a trick-or-treating adventure. They came back with half a pillowcase full of candy! Kaiden was so excited, and exhausted at the same time.

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