Thursday, December 16, 2010

Run-Away Bat
(A short clip of Kail's 1st Trick-Or-Treat)

I know I am running a little behind.. as Christmas is in 8 days.. But I just couldn't resist sharing this cute little video clip from Halloween. Enjoy!

Saturday, December 4, 2010

A Visit with Santa 2010

Let's just say Kail didn't enjoy himself on this trip. He was absolutely freaked out by the man in the red suit! See this short video I made of our visit.

Sunday, October 31, 2010

Halloween 2010 "Dracula's Son & Little Bat"

What a fun time these kids had! We had a costume party on Saturday, and Trick-Or-Treating on Sunday. Kaiden wanted to be something scary this year, so he came up with the idea of being the Son of Dracula. And Kail really didn't have much of an opinion... so I made him a bat!!! It is really tricky to get any pictures of these two.. Once they are in costume, they take on the roles of their characters. Kaiden seems to wrap himself up in his spooky cape, just as I snap the picture.. and Kail, well he doesn't stay still one bit. He just RUNS down the hall... (Like a bat out of hell!) 

At the costume party, Shawn dresses up like "himself" and I was a spooky witch.. who look as if she had  drank WAY too much caffeine! (And YES... I crimped my hair! I found my old crimper from grade school.) At the party, the kids had the best scavengers hunt! Kaiden even won best costume!!! They had a great night!

Grandpa came to pass out candy this year, and to keep the trick-or-treaters in line. (He made sure they all say please and thank you.) Kail made it down the street, but I think the problem started when he kept trying to walk into everyone's homes. He just didn't understand why they would open the door for us, if we weren't going in. He almost make it into a couple. Kaiden and Daddy went off on their own, while Kail and I went home for bed. Eventually the guys made it back with a FULL bag of candy.. (that will take until next Halloween to finish! LITERALLY) 
Happy Halloween everyone! I hope you all had as much of a good time as we did! I can't wait to start planning next years adventure.

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Aunt Jenny's Visit to KC!

Check out this slide show with pics from our fun time with Aunt Jenny and Morgan. We had such a great time! Jenn finally saw a deer! Kaiden and Morgan got to go to the "Bouncy House" twice.. they have soooo much energy! We went swimming and played in the sprinkler. We also took a nice little road trip to Deana Rose Farmstead for Children. We bottle fed baby "GHOSTS".. (goats)... Morgan called them that. Kail got to see chickens! Kaiden caught some BIG fish with a cane pole and an EWWEY-GOOEY worm. We also let the kids make a recipe out of Kaiden's children cook book. I have never seen a bigger mess! I hope they can come back to visit soon!

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Sunday, July 18, 2010

Grandma's Visit

We had such a great time with Grandma! Though Kail was suffering from an ear infection, teething, and a horrible diaper rash.. I think the boys had a GREAT time too. They were going non-stop! I only wish I had their energy. As always, the boys were spoiled with LOVE and little presents.. Kaiden has started collecting Pokemon cards.. It has turned into a pretty serious hobby. (He has been guarding them with his life.. at least from the mouth of his baby brother.) Kail has decided to skip the whole "walking thing" and move on to RUNNING! We set up a blow-up baby pool and filled it with balls. He just thinks it's funny to dive right in, with a running start. I think we need to invest in a helmet.. or bubble wrap... Shawn and I are really in for it!
Come back soon Grandma!!

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Smithville Lake!!!

We had a GREAT time taking all of the kids out to Smithville Lake. Our good friends (and neighbors) have a beautiful boat, that seemed to fit everyone perfectly! Three families went along, and the kids all play wonderfully together! Though he was VERY hesitant at first, Kaiden mustered up enough courage to go tubing for the first time! HE HAD A BLAST! Kail watched from the boat, as each big kid had a turn. We plan on spending a lot of time at the lake this summer, as we are proud new owners of a new jet ski. ("BIG BERTHA", cont. in a later post...)
More pictures coming soon!

Monday, May 10, 2010

Mothers Day (Time with the boys!)

We had a great Mothers Day weekend! We all went to the neighborhood garage sale on Saturday morning... Shawn is not as enthused about the shopping experience as I am.. but he did good!
Later that evening, Shawn prepared a surf-n-turf feast.. It was awesome! He really out did himself this time! Kaiden mostly played on the new playground...
On Sunday we all went to Aunt Cydi's home to celebrate.. where Kail just made himself at home. He was pulling up on everything! It will be a matter of weeks/days before he is walking... So sad they grow up so darn fast! I hope you all enjoy the pics!

Thursday, May 6, 2010

We went to see the CHEETOS!

We had a great time at the Brevard Zoo with Aunt Jenny and Morgan! The kids especially liked the crazy armadillos in the petting zoo... (They kept chasing and liking their toes.. yuck!) Kail just kinda hung out.. he was waiting to see the new CHEETOS exhibit... (We never made it there...the kids decided it was a better idea to go swimming at Grandmas instead)
This is by far one of my favorite zoos! I still look for my brick every time I go.. I found it once...
Kaiden also got to visit with his little sister Elle and cousin Aalivia. And Kail loved his ducky baths from Grandma!